Monday, July 20, 2009

Remember to keep updating your Data Chart each time we read a chapter of 'A Ghost in my Suitcase' by Gabrielle Wang.

If you miss a chapter you need to borrow the book and catch up.

What do you predict will happen in the 2nd half of the book?


  1. i think that at the end ting ting will like celest. and then por por dies, so celest will have to take over for catching ghosts for po por and put them in the special pond.

    from sabina!!

  2. i think that por por will teach little cloud something about ghost hunnting

  3. i think that por por will have a aftermath from fighting the ghost.

  4. por por is going to teach celeste a few thing about being a ghost huntter

  5. I think the next chapter of Ghost In My Suitcase is going to be about por-por teaching celest more about ghost hunting and soon ting-ting will find out and be comeing even more jelous than she already is!

  6. i think por por will die and someone will help her get back to life

  7. i think that tin tin will show little cloud how to be a ghoust hunter
