Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jeans for Genes Day

Hey guys - make sure you wear your jeans tomorrow and bring a gold coin donation
What is Jeans for Genes?

Jeans for Genes is a major fundraiser of the Children's Medical Research Institute.
This includes Jeans for Genes Day, events, exhibitions and other FUNdraising events throughout the year.

Chances are you probably know someone who has a genetic disease, because one in twenty children are born with some form of genetic fault. There are children with leukaemia, muscular dystrophy, genetic defects and many other disorders. The scientists at the Children’s Medical Research Institute are working to try to prevent these diseases before they occur in our children, or where that is not possible to develop better treatments.

1 comment:

  1. jeans for geans day is when you fundrasie money (collect money)and it goes to the children medical research institute and i feel sorry for people who has a medical disease
