Monday, October 12, 2009

AbOuT AlAdDiN !!!!!!

The people that have not payed for aladdin your should pay it tomorrow becouase its on wendesday :) and also for the the sauages sizzle luncg day you can pay that on friday or next week becouase its not really importent right now ...

By Nicoleta :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

don't for get!!!!!!!!!!1

remember that we finish school at 2:15!!!! just to let every-one about this!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

gold coin donation

every body dont forget to bring a gold coin donation for the heart foundaition !!!

DONT 4 GET !!!!!!

Don't for get about tomorrow

tomorrow is casul dress day dress up as a favourite afl team or soccer team tomorrow bye

Monday, September 14, 2009


1. complete these multiplication equations.

18 times 17 = 103 times 32= 3333 times 687=
24 times 28= 480 times 64= 2031 times 1002=
31 times 37= 638 times 485= 4395 times 3982=
49 times 43 978 times 498=
83 times 78=

2.The camteen at MHPS sold 38 pies everyday for 31 days. How many pies were sold in total?

3.There are 34 pairs of shoes in the cupboard. How many shoes is this?

4. Steve has 6 pencil cases, each with 28 pens and pencils in them. How many pens and mspencils is this?

5. Hannah's school has 14 classrooms.Each classroom has 12 tables if there are 4 childern to each table, how many chlidern are at school.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dont call me Ishmael

Nada Discussion Director

Tahani summariser

Nicoleta word wizard

Steven spotlighter

Samara connector

Busra Illustrator

Reading: 102-127

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tongue tied Finish

Arzu=DD 1
Mehmet=WW 1
Ben= Spot 1
Omar=Sum 1
Muh=Spot 2
Gamze=Sum 2
Eren=Illus 1
Bob=DD 2

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Don't Call Me Ishmael.

Pages 71-102

Nada-Word Wizard..





Busra-Word Wizard..

Tahani-Discotion Director.

Tongue Tied L.C

Arzu=DD 1st story
Ben=Spot 1st story
Mehmet=DD 2nd story
Eren= WW both
Gamze=Sum 1st story
Muh=Sum 2nd story
Omar=Illus 2nd story

Monday, August 17, 2009

Has anyone done Mrs. Goldsworthys mini project on Amsterdam?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kim 'Kimo' Lepoldo

Miss. webb just some info on my other seed about Frank Mir the ufc fighter

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Don't Call Me Ishmael



Tahani-Discussion Director

Steven-Word Wizard



Tongue Tied Literacy Cicles

Ben=DD 1st story
Mehmet= Sum 2nd story
Eren=Sum 1st story
Gamze=DD 2nd story
Omar=Spot 1dt story

Monday, August 10, 2009

Don't for get People!

Don't forget tomorrow for readers wrokshop every one !!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Today was great!

Hello Mrs Webb,

Today was a great day i mean we had our ups and downs but Mr Leo said he had a great day! and Mr Leo said that he was going to be away for four weeks because he is teaching at another school, who are we going to have instead?

From Nada!

Fraction Help

Have a go at this online activity

And try this if you think you are ready to move to decimal fractions!

Good Luck :)

Jeans for Genes Day

Hey guys - make sure you wear your jeans tomorrow and bring a gold coin donation
What is Jeans for Genes?

Jeans for Genes is a major fundraiser of the Children's Medical Research Institute.
This includes Jeans for Genes Day, events, exhibitions and other FUNdraising events throughout the year.

Chances are you probably know someone who has a genetic disease, because one in twenty children are born with some form of genetic fault. There are children with leukaemia, muscular dystrophy, genetic defects and many other disorders. The scientists at the Children’s Medical Research Institute are working to try to prevent these diseases before they occur in our children, or where that is not possible to develop better treatments.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

sharon's Reading Group

I have saved the folder Sharon ZPD on p drive for you, it has a copy of the Book Review format and the Reading Group work I want you to do
Name of book: totally awesome
Author: Moya simons

This book is about: A girl that goes through a weird journey where first her dad tells her a story about having a alien ancestor.

The things i liked about the book: the part i liked from the story is when her friend harry has a green 6th toe.
The things i didn't like about the book: the part i didn't like is her dad kept on telling her the alein story.
A good place to read totally awesome: in a libary or in a quiet place.
recommendation: 7-10 years old
soundtracks: the alien planet, breakway

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Writers workshop

Miss I cant get a seed because my printers ink ran out
From Mehmet

What about the seventh tower!

the seventh tower is due tomorrow when we go to the libary and thats all if u get this message then great but if u haved done your part then u should start right now!
How good were those Kebebs yesterday! I hope everyone said thank you to Miss Figen

Rotten School - Literature Circles

Alex- Connector
Sabrina- Spot Lighter
Merve- Summariser
Selda - Spot Lighter
Ahmad - Illustrator
Adam- Word Wizard

We are reading the rest of the book- due next Tuesday

Homework addition for week 4

Character Web - A ghost in my suitcase

Use Por Por, Ting Ting & Celeste
You must connect each character to the others by their feelings for each other
This is due next Friday - 14th August

Tongue Tied Literacy Circles

Arzu=Summeriser 1st story
Ben=Summeriser 2nd story
Mehmet= Spot Lighter 1st story
Eren=Spot Lighter 2nd story
Gamze=Word Wizard 1st story
Bob=Word Wizard 2nd story
Mohammed=Discussion Directer 1st story
Omar=Discussion Directer 2nd story

Monday, August 3, 2009

Equivalent Fractions

Here's a copy of the homework if you need it - due Friday remember!!

Week 4 Homework

Hi Guys,
Here is your homework for week 4, term 3.

Literature Circles is due on Tuesday
Maths - Equivalent Fractions due Friday
Reading 30 mins each night
Bring in a 'free seed' of your choice for Wednesday

Friday, July 31, 2009


how are you going to cut your hair

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


want do we need to bring tomorrow for winters work shop? can you please tell me!

Monday, July 27, 2009

losing is worth it

losing is a part of life.........

i believe that losing doesn't matter because win or lose, who cares its just a game.

if you lose it doesn't matter just move on in life get over it . every body loses in something!!

losing is a part of life. its better to lose than start a fight

losing is worth it

losing is a part of life.........

i believe that losing doesn't matter because win or lose, who cares its just a game.

if you lose it doesn't matter just move on in life get over it . every body loses in something!!

losing is a part of life. its better to lose than start a fight
losing is an importent part of life
i belive that losing is an importent part of life because its not importent
to win.
i belive that if you win all the time you are not your playing.
i lelive that you don't need to win because it just making friend being heith and show sportsmenship.
1 i belive that parents shoulden't watch the game if they cant stay there without saying any thing

2i think the kids just have fun and thay lourn how too win and lose so they can know when there older

3pearents shouldn't say any thing bad to the kids becouse the kid shoulden't feel bad about the sport thay play
prents should be role models for children sport?
because they let there children to try harder.
the parent should let them play sport
dont swer to your on children
After our conversation about Children playing sport- add a comment about what you think of parents at children's sporting events, losing and children having fun playing sport.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Go Pies

Go Pies!!!

Running of the bulls- have a look and see what you think

to miss webb

miss webb i didnt come to school because i have a cold and i finished my homework.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Locations of visitors to this page

We can check out who has looked at our blog from all around the world!

Well Done!!

Great to see that you are all using our ICT resources to help with your learning.

Think, be bold and take risks with your learning and have fun:):)

Where Do you think I might have been when these photos were taken?

have a great day!! Mr Pope

Have a great day today guys - Remember to check what is due for homework tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

hello this is sabrina talking and i just wanted to say that i am reading a book called rotten school i am reading it for my litracy cirlces group. it is a great book and it is so funny. so if any one wants to read it then you do that!!

Book Reviews

This post is for if you read a good book and want to share it with the rest of the class.


Title: Evernight
Author: Claudia Gray

Brief Summary: This book is about A girl named Bianca who attends a scary, gothic boarding school called "Evernight Academy". Bianca knows she doesn't fit in and she isn't quite the Evernight type. Kids around here aren't like others. She thinks that she is going to have a terrible time until she meets Lucas Ross, who doesn't seem like the Evernight type either. In this book there is a big climax in the middle, where something HUGE happens. I would tell you, but I don't want to ruin the surprise!
The best thing about this book is: The amazing way the story is written. And the gorgeous love story that is wound into a scary and different story line.
I didn't like the way: That this book ends, but it works out because there is a second book! Called "Stargazer".
You might like this book if you also enjoyed The Twilight series.
A good place to read this book would be: At home because it can get really emotional and you don't want to be crying in public!

Literature Circle Roles

Article from The Age 21/07/09

Read this article from The Age website

Make comment about this article - What do you think about it?


hello miss webb i really don't know whats giong to happen in the next chapter in a ghost in my suitecase

its about the ghost in my suitcase!

I think in the next chapter that celest is going to become a ghost hunter like por-por and ting-ting is going to be jealous!

By Nicoleta!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Make sure I have received your Parent Teacher Interview note by Tuesday 24/7/09

Remember to keep updating your Data Chart each time we read a chapter of 'A Ghost in my Suitcase' by Gabrielle Wang.

If you miss a chapter you need to borrow the book and catch up.

What do you predict will happen in the 2nd half of the book?

Hi Guys,
Here is the table from Monday's Area and Perimeter lesson.
You need to copy this table (if you click on it you can enlarge it), then calculate the area and perimeter of each rectangle.
Good Luck!

Writer's Workshop Seeds

Can you please let me know what your two seeds are for WW on Wednesday at 9.00am.
Remember that you need to have a seed that is related to you and your world and a seed that is related to something outside of your world e.g Something that has been in the news.
Keep in mind that if the seed is not interesting and important to you, you will find it difficult to unpack it and turn it into a piece of writing. If you need any help with this let me know :)




1. literature circle role & reading due tuesday 21/7
2. reading for 30 minutes every night
3. maths number activity due friday
4. reading, writing and ording numbers

Friday, July 17, 2009

this week

this week news at rm 23 its our first week back from the holidays we had lote and then we went out side

then on tuesday we had our first art lession and we done some drawings

then on wednesday we had miss fredrick

then on thursaday i had sport swans for half an hour then session four we had sport for 1 hour

this weeks news at rm 23 (miss webbs territory)

Monday: We had lote and i had choir. we played footy outside.

Tuesday: We had art for the first time in the year.

Wednesday: We had miss fredricks.

Thursday: we had sport and sub teacher mr leo

Friday: we had sport in the morning.

friends and info

Bob: fav sport rugby, fav team 4 rugby storm, fav player jarrad hayne and a jarrad hayne wannabe. most used words jarrad haynes the man.

Eren:fav sport tennis, fav player rafael nadal, fav colour blue, most used word cuz.

Omar: fav sport soccer, fav team barcelona, fav player messi, fav colour unkown, most used words whats that kick broo.

moez stuff

hi my name is mohamad or call me moee. i just turned twelve 10 hours ago. im really into fotty and go for the BOMBERS. My best friends are Bob, Eren, Omar, Ahmed.a, Ahmed.m, Adam, Arzu and Tahani. This morning we played rounders. we were split into 4 teams between room 23 and room 26. The teams were called gorillas, stingrays, bulls, pirates and greyhounds (the team i was in). I was the team captain along with a girl for miss Langs room. We played against bulls and won them by 11 pints the scores were 14-3.